Samira Kiani, M.D. has been selected by the American Association for the Advancement of Science along with 9 other researchers in the area of human augmentation as the 2019-2020 AAAS Alan I. Leshner Leadership Institute Public Engagement Fellows. Kiani is a leading researcher applying CRISPR technology to synthetic biology and also a producer of The Human Game.
Experts wrestle with today’s tough biotechnology questions at third Arizona Biosecurity Workshop

Dianne Price
Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University
December 20, 2018
Given the enormous attention recently trained on a Chinese scientist who performed a gene-editing experiment on human twins, interest in scientific protocol, responsibility and biosecurity is at an all-time high. Attendance at the third annual Arizona Biosecurity Workshop, held at Arizona State University on Dec. 13 and 14, was certainly evidence of the fierce current debate.
At the event, the biggest questions revolved around the threats, opportunities and responsibilities tied to emerging technologies that have the potential to change human life and the environment dramatically. The conference engaged more than 200 representatives from academia, government, law enforcement, emergency response, industry and the interested public.
How do we predict and prepare for a future of rogue biological technology?
When do we contain knowledge? When do we share?
Who gets to decide what’s right and what’s wrong?
Fundamentally, the most important question among the biosecurity professionals at the conference was how to keep people safe.
Arizona Biosecurity Workshop
Emerging biotechnologies present unique challenges for society. This two-day workshop focuses on community engagement with biosecurity concerns in an applied and practical manner. The goal of this workshop is to foster awareness and to stimulate conversation about the ethical, moral and social implications of biosecurity. SEE AGENDA
The Human Game has partnered with Filmstacker to foster a conversation between the public and scientists, across all cultures, about how these technologies should be developed and used. To accomplish this, Filmstacker crew will be on hand to capture and record participant’s responses to one of three questions. Their video responses will be uploaded into Filmstacker to create three short films. Participants are encouraged to watch, explore, and create their own short films from the event.
DECEMBER 13-14, 2018
8:00am – 5:00pm
Arizona State University
Memorial Union 241, Ventana Room
Free and open to the public. Arizona State University, Arizona Biosafety Alliance and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are sponsoring the event.